gauge list

List specifications, scenarios, steps or tags for a gauge project


List specifications, scenarios, steps or tags for a gauge project

gauge list [flags] [args]


  gauge list --tags specs


  -h, --help        help for list
      --scenarios   List the scenarios in projects
      --specs       List the specifications in projects
      --steps       List all the steps in projects (including
                    concept steps). Does not include unused steps.
      --tags        List the tags in projects

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --dir string         Set the working directory for the current
                           command, accepts a path relative to current
                           directory (default ".")
  -l, --log-level string   Set level of logging to debug, info, warning, error
                           or critical (default "info")
  -m, --machine-readable   Prints output in JSON format


Complete documentation is available here.